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The Journal

Genetics Selection Evolution is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to original research on all facets of Genetics and Selection in farm and experimental animals, as well as in related species. Studies, whether fundamental, applied or methodological, contribute to understanding and exploiting animal genetic variability from the gene to the individual, population, breed or species. A growing number of articles are dedicated to methods for high throughput genomics data analysis. Since 2012, it ranks among the first three journals in the category ‘Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science’ and in the first quarter of the journals in the wide-range category ‘Genetics & Heredity’ of the Journal of Citation Reports.

Owned by the French INRAE, it was successively published in French as Annales de Génétique et Sélection Animale between 1969 and 1982 and Génétique Sélection Evolution between 1983 and 1988 and then in English as Genetics Selection Evolution.

As of January 2009, Genetics Selection Evolution became an Open Acess journal published by BioMed Central and all its content from the beginning in 1969 is accessible at

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