The UMR203 BF2I (Biologie Fonctionelle Insectes et Interactions) is a joined research unit between the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), and the Plant Health and the Environment (SPE) Division of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). BF2i is located on the LyonTech - La Doua Campus of the University of Lyon (Lyon/Villeurbanne, France) and it is hosted within the Department of BioSciences at INSA de Lyon.

The laboratory research projects are centered on the study of complex biological interactions between insect pests, their associated intracellular symbiotic bacteria, and the host plants. The laboratory staff is actively involved in research training of Master and PhD students, as well as, in course teaching at the INSA de Lyon.

* Note: UMR is acronym for Unité Mixte de Recherche. This is the French terminology for a joint research laboratory between two or more research institutes.
To read more about the laboratory research focus click here.


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