- Tarbiat Modares University [Tehran]
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
- TCI Bangalore
- Teagasc
- Teagasc Food Research Centre [Fermoy, Ireland]
- Teagasc Food Research Centre, Food Chemistry and Technology department, Moorepark, Fermoy, Country Cork
- Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food Development Authority
- Team 4 : Deciphering organ immune regulation in inflammation and transplantation (DORI-t)
- Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz Center Munich
- Technische Universität Darmstadt - Technical University of Darmstadt
- Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology
- Technologies et Méthodes pour les Agricultures de demain
- Technopôle de l’Aube en Champagne
- Tech Univ Darmstadt, Ctr Smart Interfaces
- Telethon KIDS Institute
- Tereos
- Terhan University
- Terres Innovia
- Terres Inovia
- The Enteric Nervous System in gut and brain disorders [U1235]
- the Fifth People's Hospital of Shanghai
- The Francis Crick Institute [London]
- The Jackson Laboratory [Bar Harbor]
- The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
- The Sainsbury Laboratory [Norwich]
- The University of Queensland
- The University of Tokyo
- The University of Western Australia
- The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute [Cambridge]
- TiFN Food & Nutrition
- TKK Helsinki University of Technology
- Top Institute Food and Nutrition
- Toulouse Biotechnology Institute
- Toulouse Mind & Brain Institut
- Toulouse Réseau Imagerie-Genotoul
- ToxAlim
- Toxicité environnementale, cibles thérapeutiques, signalisation cellulaire
- Transformations et Agro-ressources
- Translational ImmunoGenetic in AutoImmunity and Transplantation
- Triskelion