DECOD - Collection HAL

The joint research unit (UMR) "Dynamics and sustainability of ecosystems: from the source to the ocean" (DECOD) was created on January 1, 2022 by bringing together research teams from INRAE, Ifremer and the Agro Institute of Rennes-Angers.

This entity brings together researchers, engineers and technicians from laboratories located in Brest, Lorient, Nantes and Rennes. Its ambition is to contribute to producing knowledge to anticipate changes linked to the various pressures exerted by human activities on continental and marine aquatic biodiversity.

DECOD's activities are centered on the analysis of the ecological and evolutionary processes at work in aquatic environments and at their interfaces, from the source to the ocean, the assessment of the state of biodiversity, and the construction possible future scenarios for these ecosystems. It is essential to take an interest in the land-sea continuum and its interfaces (aquatic/terrestrial, fresh water/salt water, coast/high seas, etc.) to complete the knowledge acquired on these ecosystems considered in isolation and to understand and, if possible, stop the decline in biodiversity in aquatic environments.

The results of this research are used to develop tools and methods for assessing the state of ecosystems and exploited resources, and therefore for decision support for management. The UMR thus brings together a scientific community that conducts research to support public, national and European policies.

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