index - Fractionnement des AgroRessources et Environnement - UMR-A 614

UMR FARE's scientific publications

Uncovering the mechanisms and tools shaped by Nature to improve the use of renewable carbon and to contribute to sustainable development: this is the ambition of FARE laboratory (Fractionation of AgroResources and Environment).

Our mission, inside the network of our INRAE and URCA partner labs, is focused on three key points of the biological / technological transformation of lignocellulosic plant biomass, for non-food usages:

- follow the degradation of lignocellulose (culture residues, litters) by soil micro-organisms in the field, in order to maintain fertility and to favor ecosystem services necessary for a sustainable agriculture (input management, carbon and nitrogen cycles);

- fractionation of lignocellulose by enzymatic or microbial biotechnological processes, to produce chemicals of interest for chemistry and energy, while respecting the green chemistry concepts (2G bioethanol, sugar-based surfactant,…);

- using agro-sourced fibres and polymers, to design innovative nanostructured materials with new optical properties (protective films and coatings), or composite materials with high technical and environmental performances (light, recyclable, biodegradable,…).


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