SIMOB is a multidisciplinary team whose research is organized into four sections which are necessary for the general study of a system: perception, observation, modeling and control. The two types of systems concerned for the application of these methods are mainly vehicles and biological systems. Unconventional behaviors from studied systems and the consideration of their autonomy lead the team’s researchers to implement original methods on a wide range of aspects: safe limits behavior for vehicles, aerial vehicles lighter-than-air, cooperation of autonomous vehicles, cells mobility in amoeboid phase and consideration of micro-environment.

This expertise participates in the definition of the team and its scientific outreach. Based on heterogeneous applications, the team has created methods that cut across common tools, thus providing the opportunity to connect subjects, and consequently communities which aren’t naturally connected. A few examples: statistical tensor decomposition for 3D image analysis, statistical decision theory applied to the recognition of cell types, taking into account deformable models with aeroelastic efforts in order to control airships, classification of the stability under constraints of non-Hamiltonian systems.

So the team is counting on these multidisciplinary interactions to establish its research project in a positive local context (installation of the CHSF (South Paris region Hospital) in 2010, of the IRBA (Institute for Biomedical Research) in 2009, expansion of Genopole cluster, closer relations with the IFSTTAR-LIVIC (Vehicle Infrastructure Driver Interactions Research Laboratory).

This site gathers the SIMOB team publications.

To learn more about the SIBI team of the IBISC laboratory :

SIMOB team WEB site