index - Session II: Crop modelling for ecological intensification


Poster number Presenter Title
S2-P.01 Caroline Fadeke Ajilogba Modelling Climate Change Impact on Wheat Production in South Africa using GCM Projections and DSSAT model
S2-P.02 Sara Minoli How does climate change impacts and adaptation alter the intensification potential of future cropping systems?
S2-P.03 Farida Dechmi DSSAT modelling for best irrigation management practices assessment under Mediterranean conditions
S2-P.04 Amir Hajjarpoor Characterization of the Groundnut Production Systems in India to guide the crop improvement efforts
S2-P.05 Hanene Mairech Assessing the sustainability of new olive farming in the Mediterranean region using the process-based model OliveCan
S2-P.06 Ali Mehmandoostkotlar Assessment of nitrogen fertilizer release half-life using crop modelling based experiments in tropical soils
S2-P.07 Krishna Naudin Modeling of nitrous oxide emissions from no-tillage systems in the Cerrado of central Brazil
S2-P.08 Hanna Poffenbarger Do cover crops increase or decrease spatiotemporal variability in maize yield?
S2-P.09 Montse Salmeron Evaluating short-season soybean management adaptations for cover crop rotations
S2-P.10 Joanna Sharp The relative impact of soil variability on the value of variable rate irrigation strategies
S2-P.11 Ashifur Rahman Shawon Developing and exploiting a crop model to simulate novel semi-dwarf rye genotypes
S2-P.12 Addis Tadesse Tekle Seasonal Analysis of Maize yield and yield component using DSSAT Ð CERSES Model in central rift valley of Ethiopia
S2-P.13 Nathalie Colbach Modelling crop-weed canopies as a tool to optimise crop diversification in agroecological cropping systems
S2-P.14 Livia Rasche A generic pest submodel for use in integrated assessment models
S2-P.15 Koladé Akakpo Water and nitrogen sharing in annual pepper crop intercropped with olive tree: conceptualization and modeling
S2-P.16 Juliette Grimaldi Modelling light absorption of grapevine in agroforestry and monocropped vineyards using DART
S2-P.17 Eric Justes Sensitivity analysis of the water balance in the WaNuLCAS crop-tree model: a case study using cocoa-based agroforest.
S2-P.18 Kirsten Paff Calibration and Evaluation of the STICS Intercrop Model for Two Cereal-Legume Mixtures
S2-P.19 Pauline Viaud Analysis resource use efficiency in sugarcane-legume intercropping system using STICS model
S2-P.20 Mukhtar Ahmed Effects of spatial variability of soil properties on maize yield, soil water content and residual N
S2-P.21 Meselu Mellaku Linear Programming-Based Cropland Allocation to Enhance Performance of Smallholder Production: A Pilot Study in Ethiopia
S2-P.22 Mukhtar Ahmed Modeling Phenological resesponses of table grape cultivars in pothwar region of Pakistan