index - Session IV: Linking crop models to data stream systems in the digital age


Poster Number Presenter Title
S4-P.01 B Geethanjali A Framework for Banana plantation growth using Blockchain Technology
S4-P.02 David Colliaux Robots for data collection in biology and agriculture.
S4-P.03 Roberto Ferrise A simple yet reliable system to support fertilisation decision making at farm level
S4-P.04 Alberto Gutiérrez García An operational crop yield forecast system in Castilla y Leon based on an agronomic model combining meteorological data.
S4-P.05 Jérémie Haumont Data assimilation of crop models and drone images based on an iterative sensitivity analysis for precision fertilization
S4-P.06 Anna Kis Bias correction of regional climate model results for crop simulations: hidden pitfalls and possible solutions
S4-P.07 Florian Larue Recurrent neural networks to model oil palm tree abortion
S4-P.08 Kersten Kühl Nnnovative - Development and validation of information services for the optimization of Nitrogen use in agriculture
S4-P.09 Luisa Leolini DROLIVe: a platform for monitoring olive groves
S4-P.10 Maria Soldevilla Using assimilation techniques to predict yield in the DSSAT model
S4-P.11 Andreas Tewes Assimilation of Leaf Area Measurements Into A Crop Model to Improve Sub-Field Wheat Biomass Estimations
S4-P.12 Frits K. Van Evert Calibration of a crop model using data from a commercial potato farm
S4-P.13 Tobias KD Weber 9 years of multi-site measurements in the SVAT continuum: A comprehensive dataset from contrasting regions in Germany
S4-P.14 Hossein Zare Comparison of process model predicted LAI to real-time data assimilation and a simple model
S4-P.15 Yinsuo Zhang Enhancing Regional Yield Forecasting of Five Major Crops in Canada using Earth Observation