Many ecosystems suffer from a huge decrease in biodiversity and considering the weak ratio between conservation and destruction for all types of biomes, this situation is supposed to last. Under the context of global change, populations and ecosystems are more and more subjected to constraints (disturbance or stress) to which they are more or less sensitive.
Vulnerability depends on the potential impact (interaction between exposure and sensitivity) and on the adaptive poten-tial of ecological systems. This adaptive potential includes two interacting factors: a biological factor linked to plasticity and to the adaptive potential of populations on one hand, and a sociological factor, including strategies for conservation and restoration controlled by development models.
Different strategies, such as defining natural protected areas and a wide range of regulations, have been used to limit or stop the erosion of biodiversity. Now, it seems of huge importance to assess the efficiency of such strategies by quantify-ing the resulting taxonomic, functional and spatiotemporal ecosystem properties. Such approach, by integrating ecological and societal contexts, is crucial to enhance these strategies and to promote the more successful experiments favoring Biodiversity. This will allow to propose comprehensive and validated strategies for ecosystem conservation. Developing new approaches for conservation ecology has to ensure the sustainability of populations as well as ecosystem functioning and the services they provide.

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