index - RiskInstitute@UGA

The aim of the Grenoble Risk Institute is to federate and energize local research in risk sciences and training, and to strengthen the Université Grenoble Alpes position and visibility in this field, in conjunction with its network of partners. To this end, the institute is positioned as :

A one-stop shop and a label for local researchers on the theme, for example to build joint responses to calls for projects (ANR, Europe...).

An interface for networking local researchers with the national and international levels, as well as with a wide network of institutional, operational and private partners. In the short and medium term (2022-2030), the Risk Institute will act as a local contact within the Programme et Equipements Prioritaires de Recherche (PEPR) Integrated Risks Management (IRiMa) for the UGA, which is co-sponsoring this PEPR.


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Extended sliding-consolidation model Parameter estimation Avalanches deposit Calcareous French Alps Snow Agenda 2030 Dimension reduction Aménagement du territoire Bedload pulses Air leakage Aléa sismique Complex system Altération Construction en pierre seche Rock glacier Rockfall Architecture moderne Alpes françaises Aide à la décision BoP market Active faults Concrete structures Accelerated degradation tests State estimation Snow avalanche Agent-based model Seismic risk Base de données Degradation modeling Block deposits Condition-based maintenance Energy Aléa de propagation Maintenance decision-making Sentinel-1 Applications de traçage Coupled ODE-PDE system Aléa et risque rocheux Wiener process Calculative scripts Sustainability Bedload transport monitoring Climate change Conditional reliability Risque naturel Benchmark Avalanches Building test Avalanche forecasting Construction parasismique Check dams Snow avalanches Comportements humains Approches pragmatistes Complex models Non-linear inverse regression Risque sismique Block propagation models Renewable energy Approche interdisciplinaire Calibration Chutes de blocs Aluminum electrolysis Bayesian interface Analyse quantitative du risque Confidence density 2030 Agenda Partial Least Squares Chute de blocs Copulas Natural hazard Coastal flooding Continuous degradation process Bivariate degradation Avalanche Beirut Lebanon Analyse trajectographique Agent-Based modeling Color space Changements environnementaux Imperfect maintenance Bistatic interferometry Collapse COVID-19 Africa Reliability Ali Tur Cost-Benefit Analysis Adjoint method Quantitative risk analysis Swiss Alps Checkdams Active rock glaciers Badlands ALS Construal level theory Cost Kalman filter Automatic detection