D. Citer-ce,

V. Georgescu, N. Desassis, S. Soubeyrand, A. Kretzschmar, and R. Senoussi, An automated MCEM algorithm for hierarchical models with multivariate and multitype response variables, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, vol.43, issue.17, pp.3698-3719, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01115524

, Comment citer ce document

V. Georgescu, N. Desassis, S. Soubeyrand, A. Kretzschmar, and R. Senoussi, An automated MCEM algorithm for hierarchical models with multivariate and multitype response variables, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, vol.43, issue.17, pp.3698-3719, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01115524

, Comment citer ce document

V. Georgescu, N. Desassis, S. Soubeyrand, A. Kretzschmar, and R. Senoussi, An automated MCEM algorithm for hierarchical models with multivariate and multitype response variables, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, vol.43, issue.17, pp.3698-3719, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01115524

, Comment citer ce document

V. Georgescu, N. Desassis, S. Soubeyrand, A. Kretzschmar, and R. Senoussi, An automated MCEM algorithm for hierarchical models with multivariate and multitype response variables, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, vol.43, issue.17, pp.3698-3719, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01115524

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V. Georgescu, N. Desassis, S. Soubeyrand, A. Kretzschmar, and R. Senoussi, An automated MCEM algorithm for hierarchical models with multivariate and multitype response variables, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, vol.43, issue.17, pp.3698-3719, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01115524

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