Migratory trends in Czech rural areas and their would-be consequences on land market - INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2007

Migratory trends in Czech rural areas and their would-be consequences on land market

Tendances migratoires dans les espaces ruraux tchèques et leurs conséquences potentielles sur le marché foncier


This article is related to demographic trends, especially migrations, in rural areas in the Czech Republic and proposes an identification of stakes related to land market management, which may appear in the future. Starting from an analysis of migratory trends and of the factors, which may explain the witnessed facts, this study focuses on the potential increase of the competition between agricultural and non-agricultural uses of land as a consequence of the development of suburban belts and highlights the needs to take into account this phenomenon while implementing agrarian and rural policies.

Mots clés

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Dates et versions

hal-02590173 , version 1 (15-05-2020)



Guillaume Millot. Migratory trends in Czech rural areas and their would-be consequences on land market. International seminar about the influence of EU agricultural policy on land use and rural development, Spindleruv mlyn, CZE, 8-11 October 2007, 2007, pp.5. ⟨hal-02590173⟩


4 Consultations
0 Téléchargements

