Du diagnostic à l'action créer : les conditions d'une gestion intégrée et viable des écosystèmes forestiers sur les territoires
In France, the conclusions of the Grenelle Environment Round Table (2007) stress the importance to intensify wood production and timber exploitation while improving the actions in favour of safeguarding biodiversity. Vis-a-vis of such a stake, which concepts, methodologies and tools can be validated on strong scientific grounds that can be proposed to the actors charged to implement policies and actions on the ground? Through the example of sustainable forest management, the FORGECO project (2010-2014), founded by the National Research Agency, privileges a participative and adaptive approach of expertise on forest management and its ecological and socio-economic vulnerabilities, thought the construction and evaluation of intensification forest management scenarios, from the plot level to the landscape level. In order to allow a spatio-temporal integration of the information and to support a decision-making processes, the project rests on the development of a set of tools: dynamic resources model, habitat quality models, development of a SIG framework, production probability frontiers models, dynamic model for viability scenarios and participative conceptual models. The methodological framework and tools proposed will be tested on two contrasted study sites in France. The FORGECO project will deliver a comprehensive, detailed technical report and scenario analysis on adaptive forest management.