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D. Van-lierde, N. Taragola, and D. Delattre, Are farms still an agricultural holding if most of their income comes from forestry? Attributes: forestry 4. One legal unit -2 farms Two farms, e.g. with arable production and pigs, merge on paper into one legal entity to comply with environmental regulations. In case this is only a legal construction, and desicion making is separated between the two farms, should we then have one or two farms in the FADN? Attributes: Legal structure, partnership, quota rights, production licences, allocation to entity, sampling frame 5. Two legal units -1 farm: Fiscal/CAP distortion One family farm can be split for tax reasons or to receive quota or premiums into two or three legal units. An example is the Italian dairy farm split into a 'farm' with the cows in the hands of the farmer and a 'farm' owning the buildings and the land in the hands of the mother and son. Another example is the German pig and poultry farm split into two holdings in order to avoid to becoming so large that it is classified as industrial, and thus loosing attractive options in VAT and income tax regulations, De Belgische tuinbouw in nationaal en Europees perspectief -Deel II: Europees perspectief, vol.127, 1999.

, Examples from Switzerland are snow ploughing, B&B (Bed and Breakfast), B2B (Back to Basics, programs with manual work for high level Novartis managers). Or the French Eco-museum. Should these activities be included in the FADN and if no, how should costs be separated (e.g. share of income outside, share of use of machinery, specifity of machinery -can it be used in agriculture, share of financing, is the machinery driver the farmer or a paid worker, share of assets non-farm use, Non-agricultural/non-food activities Some farms have important non-agricultural activities. An example is the Estonian pig farm selling fuel

, In an open discussion the participants concluded that the workshop was very usefull and successfull. It was suggested to organise a PACIOLI 9 which would make a PACIOLI 10

, * Farm accounting: how supports Brussels the farmers decision making. * Follow-up/progress topics PACIOLI 8. * Sampling, weighting and estimation. * Influence of quality of accounting data on decision making. * General analysis of accounting: cash flow, stability, sustainability. * Agri-environmental indicators. * Valuation of intangibles

, * Create FADN vortal in work group sessions on laptop, to make detailed documents available. * Internet technology in data collecting. * Use of FADN data in accession process. * Application of replacement value methods and theoretical work, Company and benchmarking FADN systems. * Meditterean FADNs. * Social security rights on balance sheets

, Contributions to FADN vortal * To bonati@inea.it (and will be hosted by the Commission)

. Denmark-gert-giversen, Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre Udkaersvej 15 8200 Aarhus e-mail: geg@lr.dk Estonia Jaanika Jalast Jäneda Training and Advisor Centre Jäneda, vol.73602

K. Kõiv, J. Training, and A. Centre-jäneda,

F. Bernard and D. , homme ENITA B.P, vol.102

, Gradignan Cedex e-mail: b-delhornme@enitab.fr Vincent Chatellier INRA Rue de la Geraudiere B.P. 71627 44300 Nantes e-mail: vchatel@nantes.inra.fr Germany Hans-Hennig Sundermeier Landwirtsch, Buchführungsverband Lorentzendamm, p.39