F. Beaudeau, H. Seegers, V. Ducrocq, and C. Fourichon, Genetic analysis of conception rate of heifer and lactating dairy cows : a review and critical discussion, Interbull Bulletin, pp.20-139, 1999.

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D. Boichard and R. Rupp, Genetic analysis and genetic evaluation for somatic cell score in French dairy cattle, Interbull Bulletin, vol.15, pp.54-60, 1997.
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D. Boichard, V. Ducrocq, and H. Larroque, Recording and genetic analysis of functional traits in French dairy cattle: a review, Interbull Bulletin, vol.12, pp.147-150, 1996.
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D. Boichard, A. Barbat, and M. Briend, Genetic analysis of conception rate of heifer and lactating dairy cows. 5 th Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Commission on Animal Genetics, pp.22-26, 1999.
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D. Boichard, S. Fritz, M. N. Rossignol, M. Y. Boscher, A. Malafosse et al., Implementation of marker assisted selection in French dairy cattle, Proc.. 7 th World Congr, 2002.
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M. Bolard and D. Boichard, Use of maternal information for QTL detection in a (grand) daughter design, Genet. Sel. Evol, vol.34, pp.335-352, 2002.
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J. J. Colleau, Début de la sélection assistée par marqueurs chez les bovins laitiers: étude par simulation, Renc. Rech. Rum, vol.6, pp.231-233, 1999.

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J. J. Colleau, V. Ducrocq, D. Boichard, and H. Larroque, Approximate multitrait BLUP evaluation to combine functional traits, Interbull Bulletin, vol.23, pp.151-158, 1999.
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V. Ducrocq, Genetic parameters for type traits in the French Holstein breed based on a multiple-trait animal model, Livest. Prod. Sci, vol.36, pp.143-156, 1993.
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V. Ducrocq, Extension of survival analysis models to discrete measures of longevity, Interbull Bulletin, vol.20, pp.41-47, 1999.
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V. Ducrocq, Topics that may deserve further attention in survival analysis applied to dairy cattle breeding: some suggestions, Interbull Bulletin, vol.20, pp.181-189, 1999.
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V. Ducrocq, Two years of experience with the French genetic evaluation of dairy bulls on production-adjusted longevity of their daughters, Interbull Bulletin, vol.20, pp.60-67, 1999.
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V. Ducrocq, Calving ease evaluation of French dairy bulls with a heteroskedastic threshold model with direct and maternal effects, Interbull Bulletin, vol.25, pp.123-130, 2000.
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V. Ducrocq, A two-step procedure to get animal model solutions in Weibull survival models used for genetic evaluations on length of life, Interbull Bulletin, vol.27, pp.147-152, 2001.
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V. Ducrocq, A piecewise Weibull mixed model for the analysis of length of productive life of dairy cows, 2002.
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V. Ducrocq, D. Boichard, A. Barbat, and H. Larroque, Intégration des caractères fonctionnels dans un index de synthèse pour les races bovines laitières : de la théorie à la pratique, Renc. Rech. Rum, vol.8, pp.333-336, 2001.

V. Ducrocq, D. Boichard, A. Barbat, and H. Larroque, Implementation of an approximate multitrait BLUP evaluation to combine production traits and functional traits into a total merit index, J.Anim. Sci, vol.79, issue.1, p.25, 2001.
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H. Larroque and V. Ducrocq, An indirect approach for the estimation of genetic correlations between longevity and other traits, Interbull Bulletin, vol.20, pp.128-135, 1999.
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H. Larroque, R. Rupp, S. Moureaux, D. Boichard, and V. Ducrocq, Genetic parameters for type and functional traits in the French Holstein breed, Interbull Bulletin, vol.23, pp.169-179, 1999.
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H. Larroque and V. Ducrocq, Relationships between type and longevity in the Holstein breed, 2001.
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R. Rupp and D. Boichard, Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, production, udder type traits and milking ease in first lactation Holsteins, J. dairy sci, vol.82, pp.2198-2204, 1999.
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R. Rupp and D. Boichard, Relationship of early first lactation somatic cell count with risk of subsequent clinical mastitis, Livest. Prod. Sci, vol.62, pp.169-180, 2000.
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R. Rupp, D. Boichard, C. Bertrand, and S. Bazin, Bilan national des numérations cellulaires dans le lait des différentes races bovines françaises, INRA Prod. Anim, vol.13, pp.257-267, 2000.

R. Rupp, F. Beaudeau, and D. Boichard, Association between somatic cell count in first lactation and occurrence of clinical mastitis in second lactation, Prev. Vet. Med, vol.46, pp.99-111, 2000.

R. Rupp and D. Boichard, Numérations cellulaires du lait et mammites cliniques: relations phénotypique et génétique chez les vaches Prim, Holstein. INRA Prod. Anim, vol.14, pp.193-200, 2001.

R. Rupp and D. Boichard, Genetics of resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle, Vet. Res, vol.34, pp.671-688, 2003.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00902761