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D. E. Reference and . Genes, Additional file 9 -polyAsite.clusters.tar.gz polyA site clusters. ? bos_taurus.polyAsites.minclip10.merged.maxdist10.minreads2.bed ? capra_hircus.polyAsites.minclip10.merged.maxdist10.minreads2.bed ? gallus_gallus.polyAsites.minclip10.merged.maxdist10.minreads2.bed ? sus_scrofa.polyAsites.minclip10.merged.maxdist10.minreads2.bed Additional file 10 -atac.peaks.tar.gz ATAC-seq peaks (coordinates, quantification, positional classification): the archive contains four folders, one for each species (bos_taurus, capra_hircus, gallus_gallus, sus_scrofa). Each folder contains the following six files: ? mergedpeaks_allinfo2.tsv ? mergedpeaks_allinfo.tr2.tsv ? mergedpeaks_allinfo.tr.tsv ? mergedpeaks_allinfo.tsv ? mergedpeaks.peaknb.allexp.readnb.bed.readme.idx ? mergedpeaks, the archive contains four folders, one for each species (bos_taurus, capra_hircus, gallus_gallus, sus_scrofa). Each folder contains itself three subfolders, one for each model: diffcounts.nominsum (Model 1), diffcounts.cdvsliver (Model 2) and diffcounts.withsex (Model, 2018.