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, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, vol.1

. Yaoundé, After Douala, which is considered as the economical capital, Yaoundé constitutes the second biggest city of Cameroon, and is the county town of Mfoundi Department and of Centre Province. Historically

, Essos) in the north and residential area (Bastos) in the South

. Yaoundé, 500 000 inhabitants in 2001, is located at the West part of Yaoundé, the North, Tsinga and Mont-Fébé are residential areas, but the main part of population live in very popular areas

, Located in the centre and South-West of the city, it was the headquarters of German and French authorities. It now houses all public administrations and concentrates major part of shops. Downtown is mainly constituted by buildings and residential areas, whereas the South-West concentrates a large part of population in popular areas

, Yaoundé 4th, 344 000 inhabitants in 2001, is located in the Eastern and South-Eastern part of the capital. There are there several popular areas (Nsam, Mvog-Mbi, Nkoldongo, Kodengui), the airport and several agro

, Yaoundé is cut into seven districts. Yaoundé 5th, 6th and 7th respectively come from the reorganisation of Youndé 2nd, 4th and 1st, Source : Awono Bessa, p.16, 2005.

, Working Papers SMART -LERECO

, UMR INRA-Agrocampus Ouest SMART (Structures et Marchés Agricoles, Ressources et Territoires)

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