, Management Authority to operate in Gonarezhou National Park and in Hwange National Park under permits

, )(c)(ii): 31, Gen, issue.1, p.23, 2007.

, 33/2011) and (ii) the South African National Parks to conduct our research in Kruger National Park. The project was conducted within the framework of the Research Platform "Production and Conservation in Partnership" (RP-PCP) and the Zone Atelier (LTSER) Hwange of the CNRS

, South African National Parks and Veterinary, 2009.

. Auth-o-r-co-ntr-i-b-uti-o-n,

, Elodie Wielgus: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal)

, Formal analysis (lead)

, Writing-original draft (lead), Methodology (equal)

, Daniel Cornélis: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (supporting)

, Methodology (supporting

, Resources (equal)

, Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky: Data curation (supporting)

, Writing-review & editing (supporting). Bradley Cain: Formal analysis (supporting)

, Funding acquisition (lead)

, Writing-review & editing (equal)

, Writing-review & editing (supporting)

, Eve Miguel: Data curation (supporting); Writing-review & editing (supporting). Hugo Valls-Fox: Data curation (supporting)

, Alexandre Caron: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal)

, Methodology (equal

, Resources (equal)

, Writing-review & editing (equal), Simon Chamaillé-Jammes

, Conceptualization (equal)

, Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (lead)

, Methodology (equal

, Resources (equal); Writing-original draft (lead)

, Writing-review & editing (lead)

. Data-ava-i-l-a-b-i-l-i-t-y-s-tat-e-m-e-n-t-data,

O. Rci-d-elodie and . Wielgus,

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