Conference Papers Year : 2024

Combining metabolic and landscape approaches for agroecological transitions in cattle farming consistent with the challenges of territorial transition


The societal and environmental changes that have been underway for several years have recently become even more pronounced, requiring major transitions. Agriculture is challenged by this context. The demand for more sustainable agricultural systems, which reconcile natural resource management, food production and ecosystem services in the long term and under climate uncertainty is increasing. In addition, the agroecological transition of farming systems may require mobilizing several organizational or technical levers, the functional synergy of which is not obvious, and the combined implications of which at farm and territorial levels are still poorly understood. In this context, we sought to design an innovative framework for the collective co-construction, sharing and appropriation of knowledge - with farmers, planners and territorial stakeholders. The aim is to develop a systemic and multi-level approach to the agroecological transition of cattle farming systems in Brittany (western France), and their territorial integration. Our approach is based on the combination of two complementary viewpoints on agroecology: (1) a metabolic viewpoint of farming systems based on the role of agroecological systems on nutrient, energy and matter flows; (2) a landscape viewpoint based on ecosystem services associated with the mosaic of land uses emerging from the aggregation of agroecological systems at the landscape scale.
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hal-04682726 , version 1 (30-08-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04682726 , version 1


Valérie Viaud, Claudine Thenail, Denis Follet, Olivier Godinot, Anne-Isabelle Graux, et al.. Combining metabolic and landscape approaches for agroecological transitions in cattle farming consistent with the challenges of territorial transition. 15. International Farming System Association (IFSA) Conference, IFSA - International Farming System Association, Jun 2024, Trapani, Italy. ⟨hal-04682726⟩
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