Genotyping measures and population genetic indices for assesing reproductive modes of polyploid Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala in western Europe
Raw data used to assess reproductive modes in 53 sampled populations in western Europe (France and northern Spain). Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala (Lgh) is a hermaphrodite, polyploid, partially clonal and heteromorphic plant that recently colonized multiple countries worldwide. Individuals in this species are either self-incompatible caused by a late-acting self-incompatible (LSI) system developing long-styled flowers, or self-compatible (SC) developing short-styled flowers. We used a SNP approach allowing confident allele dosage to genotype 53 LSI and SC populations of Lgh in France and northern Spain. We measured their genetic diversity and assessed their reproductive modes using methods adapted to autopolyploid species.