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D. Ienco-obtained-his and M. Sc, degree in Computer Science in 2006 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2010, both at the University of Torino. From 2010 to 2011 he had a post-doctoral position at the same University he was postdoc in Montpellier at Cemagref. Since September 2011 he obtained a permanent position as researcher at the Irstea Institute His research interests are in the areas of data mining and machine learning with particular emphasis on unsupervised techniques (clustering and co-clustering), data stream analysis and spatio-temporal data mining, 2011.

I. Postdoctoral, I. , and T. , Since 2011, he is Assistant Professor at the Department of His main research interests include data mining and knowledge discovery, data science, privacy-preserving algorithms for data management, social network analysis and spatio-temporal data analysis. He served in the programme committee of many international conferences on data mining and machine learning, which IEEE ICDM, ACM CIKM, SIAM SDM, ECML PKDD, 2007.