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. Msb-=-slyield-*-pslg-+-0, PSM -PSOG where: SLYIELD }, vol.8

. Table-a4, 3. Data used to de termine domestic soybean, rapeseed and peanut oi1 prices in France CIF Soybean Oil CIF Rapeseed Oil CIF Peanut Oi1

, Priee Price Price Exchange Rate Tariff Rotterdam

, USDA (1977a), FAO and Oi1 World, Source

, 1972: It has been assumed that the use of soymeal by the animal feed industry for this year accounts for 83.24 percent of the total demand for soymeal. This rate is derived from 1971 data, p.13, 1974.

, Estimates from SN~and reported in Charles Robert's reports, 1975.

, Note: OMSOYA: Quantity of o.ther high prote in feeds consumed in France, 1000.

O. Dram, Quantity of rapeseed meal demanded in France in soymeal 46 percent equivalents (1000 MT) Source: FEDIOL and FFIOL (Conversion Rate: 0.67139)

, Source: ONIC DCFGF: Total non-commercial demand for feedgrains, calendar year (1000 MT) Source: ONIC PSM: Import unit value of soymeal (Francs/MT) PCFG: Aggregate price of feedgrain, including soft wheat, corn and "barley (Francs/MT) , f INSEE, DCFGC: Total commercial demand for feedgrain, 1956.

. 1~.-0>-"0> and . 0>0>"-??-_,

_. .. .;-~,;-;';..~...~.-.,~-Ë"~~i,

, QCOMPPK: Demand for hogs compound feed (1000 MT) Source: Foucault (Annexes), 1978.

, QCOMPBR: Demand for broiler compound feed (1000 MT) Source: Foucault (Annexes), 1978.

, QCOMPLH: Demand for laying hen compound feed (1000 MT) Source: Foucault (Annexes), 1978.

, QPLCW: Total production of poultry (1000 MT) Source: SCEES, 1956.

S. Leflambe, 390 -TIME: Time trend, where 1955 = l, 1956 = 2, ??? etc. PLH: Producer price of eggs (Francs/100 eggs) : 1 Source, Eurostat QPKCW: Total production of pork (1000 MT) Source: SCEES, 1955.

F. Eurostat,

, Producer price of hogs (Francs/ton slaughtered weight) Source: 1957, 1971.

, Eurostat PBF: Producer price of beef (Francs/kilo) (slaughtered weight) Source: INSEE, SCEES (Dec. 1971) PMILK: Producer price of milk, QBFCW: Production of beef (1000 MT) Source: SCEES, vol.34, 1966.

, CBF: Kilograms of grain fed per kilogram of beef produced in France Source, 1978.

, CMILK: Kilograms of grain fed per kilogram of milk produced in France Source, 1978.

, QCOMPBF: Demand for compound feed fed to beef (1000 MT) Source: Foucault (Annexes), 1978.

, PQBF: Price of compound feed (Francs/MT) PRMLG: Milk and beef production in cereal units

. Prmlg-=-cmilk-*-prodmilk-+-cbf-*-qbfcw and . Fpbf, Aggregate price of beef and dairy products

. Fpbf-=-(pmilk-*-cmilk-*-prodmilk-+-pbf-*-cbf-*-qbfcw, , p.1000

, PQPPK: Price of hog compound feed (Francs/MT) Source: INSEE, Foucault PQBR: Price of broiler feed (Francs/MT) Source: INSEE, Foucault PQlli: Price of laying hen mixed feed (Francs/MT) Source: INSEE, Foucault TABLE A4.12. Livestoek priee data PQPPK PQBR PQLH PQBF PSM PFG

:. .. ~~-ore, -. , .. , _. , _. ;. et al., ~?":.~:."'::,'ë':?'-'r

, MT) Source: FEDIOL, FORMA PWMW: Wor1d priee of soymeal in D.S. dollars/MT. Sum of Brazilian and D.S. export soymeal priees weighted by the respective exporter's share of soymeal exports, ESSMG: Quantity of soymeal imported by France, 1000.

~. \~~-~~~ and . A4, Data used to eonstruet wor1d soybean erush and the world priee of other protein mea1s CRSOWBR CRSOWUS CRS01-1B CRSOWH IMPNM IMPFLM IMPFISM, vol.14

, IMPNM: EC import priee of peanut meal, CIF European ports (US Dollars/MT) Source: USDA, Oil World IMPFLM: EC import priee of linseed meal, CIF European ports (US Dollars/MT) Source: USDA, Oil World

~. .. , ~. , -. , ;. -. , ~. .--~.-;-t;~~'-;-~~~'' et al., ~~7"i', CIF Hamburg (US Dollars/MT) Source: USDA, 1977.

, MT) Source: USDA CRSOWB: Volume of soybeans crushed in Belgium (1000 MT) Source: FEDIOL CRSOWH: Volume of soybeans crushed in the Netherlands (1000 MT) Source: FEDIOL, CRSOWUS, 1000.

. S. Psmus:-u, export price of soymeal (average unit value) (US Dollars/MT) Source: FAO, pp.1955-1958

, PSMBR: Brazilian export price of soymeal (average unit price) (US Dollars/MT) Source: FAO (1955-1977), 1963.