The Journal

Veterinary Research is an international open access journal that publishes high quality and novel research and review articles on infectious diseases and host-pathogen interaction. The thematic areas are bacteriology, epidemiology, immunology, parasitology, prion diseases and virology. Studies on animals used in food production, companion animals, equines, wild animals (if the infections are of zoonotic interest and/or in relation to domestic animals), laboratory animals, and animal models of human infections are also considered. Research studies on zoonotic and emerging infections are highly appreciated.

The journal is supported by INRAE's Animal Health Department. The editorial team is administratively attached to the Molecular Virology and Immunology Unit (INRAE Île-de-France-Jouy-en-Josas-Antony Center).

Veterinary Research began its life in 1993. Before this date, it was published under the title of Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires which was created in 1970. Until 1972, all articles were exclusively written in French with only the abstracts in English. Articles published in English appear from 1973 on and their number (and percentage) gradually increased to reach 100% in 2003.

Since January 2011, Veterinary Research is published entirely in open access by BioMed Central and all its content is accessible at

To access articles published between 1970 and 1992, please consult the collection Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires.

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