HAL collection of the Research Infrastructure
In-Sylva France

In-Sylva France is a National Research Infrastructure for adaptive forest management. It was selected on the French roadmap of French major Research Infrastructures in March 2018.

In-Sylva France federates experimental networks studying the interactions between forest management practices x genetic resources x environment as well as analytical platforms characterizing climate, soils and plant material at high throughput. It brings together the resources of seven institutions working in this field: INRAE, CIRAD, University of Rouen Normandie, CNPF, FCBA, OFB, ONF.

In-Sylva France is the response of Research and Development to the socio-economic and environmental issues mentioned in the PNFB (National Forest and Wood Plan): adaptation of forests to global changes, jobs through forest management innovation, upstream-downstream adequacy in the sectors. Its originality lies in coupling forest management, biogeochemical and genetic levers to promote an integrated vision and to develop an adaptive and sustainable management of forest stands.

You will find here all the scientific articles allowed by this research infrastructure.

Publications by service of In-Sylva France

In-Situ Services / Network of experimental sites
GIS Coop (Description/Collection) GIS GPMF (Description/Collection)
15N Network (Description/Collection) Amendement Network (Description/Collection)
Douglas-BGC Network (Description/Collection) EFFORT Network (Description/Collection)
VFA Evaluation Network (Description/Collection) FOI Network (Description/Collection)
GEN4X Network (Description/Collection) LERFOB Network (Description/Collection)
MOS Network (Description/Collection) PILOTE Network (Description/Collection)
RDI ONF Network (Description/Collection)  
In-Lab Services /Analytical Platform
Phenobois platform (Description/Collection) Silvatech platform (Description/
Biogeochemistry laboratory (Description/Collection) LICA analytical platform (Description/Collection)
Xylobiotech platform (Description/Collection) PRESEN (Description)