index - Unité Génétique et Amélioration des Fruits et Légumes _ INRAE

Welcome to the GAFL unit Genetics and Breeding of fruit and vegetables

The GAFL Unit, Genetics and Breeding of fruit and vegetables, focuses its researches on Mediterranean species. GAFL carries out research in the fields of species diversity and domestication process, genetic and molecular basis of fruit quality, functional characterization of plant / pathogen interactions and sustainable resistance management, integration of disease resistance and quality fruit in cultivars. The Unit is genetic resource center for vegetables in the solanaceous family (eggplant, pepper, tomato), cucurbits, lettuce, and is a branch of INRAE genetic resource center for Prunus. The unit leads academic researches, while its strong and varied partnership with stakeholders in fruit and vegetable breeding allows development for horticulture sector.

Website GAFL


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