Unfalsifiable individual identification of hides and skins
Identification individuelle et infalsifiable des cuirs et peaux
To improve and to assess the true quality of products delivered to the consumers, the leather "filière" has to develop a system allowing the individual identification of hides et skins from the slaughterhouse right to the leather users. The current events connected with the B.S.E. (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) confirm the need for an infallible traceability methodology. We have developed a new patented system based on the automatic identification of hides at the raw stage by a matrix of perforations. The reliability of the prototype, coupled with a software for the treatment of the possible deformation of the matrix during the leather processing, reach a 97 to 98 % level. The technical and economical interest of this technology will be discussed through a poster demonstration.
Afin d'assurer la qualité des produits aux consommateurs, la filière cuir a développé un système d'identification individuelle des cuirs et peaux de l'abattoir à l'utilisateur du cuir. Nous avons développé un nouveau système basé sur une identification automatique des peaux par une matrice de perforation.