Remote-sensing for the spatial analysis of land use in river corridors and its impact on the ecological status of rivers
Télédétection pour l'analyse spatiale de l'occupation du sol dans les corridors rivulaires et son impact sur l'état écologique des cours d'eau
The European Water Framework Directive aims at implementing strategies to restore the ecological status of water bodies. This ecological status, that can be characterized by physicochemical parameters and freshwater biodiversity indicators (plants, invertebrates, microphone-vertebrate, macro-vertebrate), is influenced by natural parameters (climate, topography, geological substratum...) as well as anthropic variables (water use, land use on the watershed, pressures of diffuse pollution and specific pollution...). Land use in the river corridor, and particularly riparian vegetation, has a significant influence on the ecological status of water-bodies : controlling it could therefore constitute a major element in the strategy of implementation of the Water Framework Directive. The presentation is dedicated to the characterization of land use in the river corridors, the definition of relevant spatial indicators and the analysis of correlation between these indicators and water-bodies ecological status indicators.