Pressure-Swirl Atomization : modelling and experimental approaches
Atomisation d'une buse à turbulence : approches expérimentale et de modélisation
An Eulerian model is developed to model atomization of a liquid sheet with high Weber and Reynolds numbers. The model considers a single phase of liquid-gas mixture to represent the turbulent mixing flow of liquid sheet with ambiant gas. As the flow is highly swirled and highly anisotropic, the Reynolds stress model is used for the turbulence and the turbulent flux of liquid mass fraction is modeled taking into account turbulence anisotropy. The mean liquid-gas interface density is solved to get the Sauter Mean Diameter of droplets. Experimental data are obtained using Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA). Atomization characteristics such as the axial velocity and the Sauter Mean Diameter were determined experimentally and were also predicted using Eulerian one phase model. Agreement between predictions and measurements is reasonably good.