Trade-offs between livelihoods and wetland ecosystem services: an integrated dynamic model of Ga-Mampa wetland, South Africa
Compromis entre subsistance des populations et services écosystémiques des zones humides: un modèle dynamique intégré de la zone humide de Ga-Mampa en Afrique du Sud
This paper presents an integrated dynamic simulation model that represents wetland functioning and will be used for trade-off analysis. The model was developed using the STELLA platform and comprises five interactive sectors namely: hydrology, crop production, use of natural wetland resources and community well-being. These sectors are inter- linked and changes in one sector impact on other sectors through feedback loops between sectors. Key parameters in the model are demand for food, demand for income, and biophysical drivers (soils, rainfall, groundwater and surface flows). Taking into account these factors, the local community makes choices about uses of different categories of land and water resources available to them (irrigation scheme and wetland). These activities impact on the wetland functioning, which in turn influences economic returns of wetland related activities and ultimately livelihoods. The model will be used to simulate several management options in the valley under various localised scenarios of global changes