Chapter 3. State of art of recreation inventories in European countries.3.1.National recreation demand inventories and surveys
Chapitre 3. Partie 3.1.Des enquêtes nationales sur les loisirs de nature : un état des lieux européens
The purpose of this chapter is to summarise existing experiences in recreation monitoring in European countries. The information was gathered from COST E33 experts. The review is based on national surveys conducted in last thirty years in countries of COST Action E33 members. In COST E33 23 countries signed the MoU, of whom 21 had members in the working group 2. In addition, some literature research was made to complete the material from other countries. We only considered population-based national surveys, which provide relevant information for forest recreation. This is a first overview of national monitoring practices all across Europe. First we introduce the status of monitoring in general. Second, we describe examples of different national recreation monitoring systems, and third, we analyse survey objectives, methods and variables used.
Ce chapitre propose un état des lieux sur l'utilisation d'enquêtes de fréquentation des espaces naturels menées à une échelle nationale dans les différents pays européens. Les données ont été fournies par différens experts participant au réseau européen COST E33 (Forest For Recreation and Nature Tourism).