Coupling 1-D and 2-D Models for Simulating Floods: Definition of the Exchange Terms
Couplage de modèles 1D et de modèles 2D pour simuler les inondations : définition des termes d'échange
During floods, the flows in the main channel and the flood plain have very different features. Thus, one can optimize the calculation time by using 1-D model for the main channel and 2-D model for the flood plain in which the flow is more complex. One solution to couple a 1-D model and a 2-D model is proposed. The two models are based on explicit finite volume schemes solving shallow water equations. Thus, the exchange terms are fluxes calculated on the edges that limit the 2-D model on the side of the 1-D model. For the 1-D model, these fluxes are lateral inputs, upstream or downstream boundary conditions depending on the side of the coupling. This coupled model is tested on experiments in compound channels for a uniform flow and for a rapidly varied flow produced by an obstacle set on the floodplain. Numerical results are coherent with measurements. On uniform flow, energy losses due to the turbulence are missing, which provides too low water depths. On rapidly varied flow, the transfer velocity between main channel and flood plain is reduced if during the calculation of the exchange terms, the values of the 2-D variables on both sides of the boundary are not defined properly; moreover, the recirculation length is underestimated if the turbulent viscosity coefficient is not high enough.
Pour la simulation des inondations, deux codes respectivement 1D et 2D fondés sur un même type de schéma numérique en volumes finis sont couplés. le modèle est testé sur des expériences de laboratoire en lit composé.