Catchment Scale Analysis of the Influence of Riparian Vegetation on River Ecological Integrity Using Earth Observation Data
Analyse à l'échelle du bassin de l'influence de la végétation rivulaire sur l'intégrité écologique des cours d'eau en utilisant des données d’observation de la terre
This chapter emphasizes the role of riparian vegetation in regulating and protecting river ecological integrity, based on a study of a river catchment (25 000 km²; 6000 km river network) located in the North of France. Restoring riparian vegetation is supposed to enhance the river ecosystem integrity and its ecosystem services. To reveal this relationship, at first a Riparian Area Land Cover (RALC) map for all rivers of the catchment was produced from high and very high spatial resolution earth observation data using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) methods. Fine-scale land cover information was obtained to assess reliably riparian vegetation conditions and human pressure at riparian corridor scale. The land cover information was assembled at three distinct spatial scales: the local riparian corridor, the upstream riparian corridor (using RALC map), and the upstream watershed (using CORINE Land Cover database). Both for the local riparian corridor and the upstream corridor the land cover data were gathered for a range of buffers. Ecological integrity of the rivers was measured using macroinvertebrate community composition. Responses to the land cover at the distinct scale levels were investigated. Results show the benefic influence on the macroinvertebrate community for the riparian forest and grassland vegetation in a 20m-buffer on both sides of the river, locally and on the whole upstream network. These results highlight the interest of fine-scale earth observation data interpretation in the prioritization and design of riparian corridor restoration strategies at catchment scale. With this fine-scaled information, new reliable spatial indicators (e.g., continuity, width and uniformity…) can be explored in order to better understand the contribution of riparian vegetation to maintain river ecological integrity and ecosystem services.