Catch-c farm surveys - country report : France - Part1: quantitative analysis
The objective of this report is to assess the main barriers and drivers towards the adoption of soil related BMPs by farmers in France. The framework for assessment is the same as for other countries involved in CATCH-C project: starting from an analysis of the main soil threats and farms typology (see Hijbeek et al., 2013), three farm-type-zones (FTZ) have been targeted. On each FTZ, qualitative interviews have been performed to frame the BMPs selected and the potential barriers and drivers on the zone. From these interviews and expert opinion, it was decided to focus on the same three BMPs on all the zones, simplified cultivation techniques (grouping all techniques related to non-inversion tillage), direct seeding (no-till), and catch-crops. A quantitative survey was then designed to collect information of control factors, outcomes and referents for each BMP in each zone. To facilitate comparisons between zones, the same questionnaire was used for the three FTZs. In each FTZ, farmers have been selected randomly out of two main sources, the national database for CAP subsidies (French ministry of agriculture, the database is public), and phone database. The farmers in each of the three zones have received a regular mail (1200 paper letters sent) in July 2013, announcing the beginning of the survey on internet, plus advertising on the French website dedicated to the project. Because of low answer rate to this first phase of the survey, the survey was completed by phone calls, with a response rate around 1/12, from mid-November to mid-December 2013. In accordance to the surveys designed in the other countries, the questionnaire has two main parts. The first part contains questions about farm characteristics, soil management and knowledge dissemination. The second part concerns the outcomes, control factors and referent for each BMP (the couple respondent-BMP being chosen randomly in each FTZ). Because the questionnaires were rather long, each farmer has been surveyed for one BMP only. Additional to this questionnaire, farmers in France were offered the possibility to answer a third set of questions related to their general strategy (Greiner, et al., 2009), which is specific to the French case study. The analysis of the survey provided clues on the differences in belief structure of two groups of farmers, those who implement one of several of the above states BMPs (adopters) and those who don’t (non-adopters). Then, focus groups were conducted in each FTZ to elaborate on the main barriers and drivers for adoption for the BMPs, and to identify possible way to overcome the barriers and to extend the drivers in each zone. This report (part1) presents results of the quantitative analysis. Part2 focusses on the outcomes of the focus groups.