Pesticides applications assessment in banana crop conditions: a methodological approach
Evaluation de l'application des pesticides en culture bananière : une approche méthodologique
The Optiban project was initiated by banana growers unions (UGPBAN, LPG, Banamart) and supported by Guadeloupe District (DGAL, MAAF, DAAF) through FEADER funding program. The project partners are the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA), the Advice Services (SICA TG, SICA LPG), The French research centre for developing countries (CIRAD), and the French agency for food and health security (ANSES). As regards to the "sustainable banana crop" program defined for the French Indies area, different purposes of the project were the optimization of aerial applications by using GPS tracking system and traceability and the use of recent spraying techniques to reduce aerial drift and finally to assess classical or innovative ground spraying application systems in order to fulfill European regulation requirements. The work consisted in the following leading items: - Technologies and practices assessment - Environmental and sanitary risk limitation - Operators and bystanders safety protection - Biological efficacy improvement - Guidance tools for treatment application techniques