Laser scanning method to characterize bed arrangement and its influence on incipient motion of gravel sediments
Méthode par scan laser pour caractériser l'arrangement d'un lit de graviers et son influence sur leur début de mouvement
A very large scatter has been observed for the incipient motion threshold of a gravel bed in lit-erature, which can be explained by a lack of bed surface characterization. In the present work, a laser scan-ning technique is used and criteria to describe the bed surface are proposed in order to compare initial bed ar-rangements of laboratory tests on graved bed incipient motion. Statistical tools, such as probability density function of the bed surface elevations and two-dimensional (2D) structure function, are used to characterize the bed surface. Surveys of relatively well-sorted gravel bed surfaces show that even small bed arrangement changes yield a significant impact on the incipient motion of the gravel particles