Public transportation adoption requires a paradigm shift in urban development structure
Urban passenger transportation in the U.S. has been heavily dependent on car modes, mainly due to prevailing trends in urban development. However, transportation mode choice studies are currently limited to micro-level and regional-level boundaries, lacking of presenting a complete picture of the issues and the root causes associated with urban passenger transportation choices in the U.S. To this end, further analysis from a system perspective is required to investigate the interdependencies among system parameters more thoroughly, thus revealing the underlying mechanisms contributing or causing the low public transportation use in the U.S. Hence, system dynamics modeling approach is utilized to capture complex causal relationships among the critical system parameters affecting public transportation ridership in the U.S. as well as to identify possible policy areas to improve public transportation ridership rates. Considering the high degree of uncertainties inherent to the problem, multivariate sensitivity analysis is utilized to explore the effectiveness of existing and possible policy implications up to the year 2050 in the terms of their potential to increase transit ridership and locating critical parameters that influences the most on mode choice and emission rates. Transportation mode choice behavior is projected to change slightly and reach up to a maximum of 7.25% of public transportation ridership until 2050. Analysis results reveal that the effects of trip length and rate are by far the most influential factors. Both parameters are 99% sensitive compared to all other factors including the effects of fuel tax policies, federal funds for public transportation, use of alternative green bus technologies, increasing private vehicle occupancy rates, etc. on negative environmental, economic, and social impacts of transportation. This finding highlights how important urban structures are to secure the future of public transportation in the U.S. as the existing urban structures and the shared-idea in the minds of the society about how urban transportation should be (the prevailing paradigm) are the root causes of excessive trip generation and increasing average trip lengths. Thus a paradigm-shift, a radical change in the shared-idea in the minds of the society about existing urban structures, is needed. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd