Assessing residents' preferences for sewer network asset management in France
Evaluation de la préférences des habitants pour la gestion patrimoniale des réseaux d'assainissement en France
This article aims to contribute to the limited literature dealing with the impacts of sewer network disturbances on neighbouring residents by exploring the preferences of residents in the Eurométropole de Strasbourg (France) towards different priorities for sewer network asset management (AM). The valuation is performed using the Contingent Ranking method and results are compared to a recoded Choice Experiment. The comparison of results from both methods reveals that the price influences the ranking of the different alternatives given to the respondents, but does not influence respondents' preferred alternative. In other words, the price of the alternatives is only considered by respondents at a later stage of the decision process. For the residents, the trade-offs between the potential disturbances caused by a network dysfunction favour the reduction of the risk of flooding (either in terms of their frequency or attained water levels). These findings highlight the challenges of AM.