ResiWater deliverable 1.1: WP1 & WP5: Use Case Specification, Investigation and Vulnerability Assessments & Development of Tools for Assessing WDS Vulnerability, Resilience and Robustness and Decision Support for Design
Rapport livrable ResiWater D1.1 & D5.1 Spécification des cas d'études, Évaluation des cas d'études et Développement d'outils pour évaluer la résilience des réseaux d'eau
WP 1 aims at evaluating new sensors and secured sensor networks, self-learning monitoring tools, robust simulation models and vulnerability and resilience assessment tools by means of several realistic use cases. WP5 is focused on developing prototype of vulnerability and resilience assessment tools. The present work contributes to both work packages. First, the vulnerability and resilience is explained from a theoretical point of view. A simple model of Water Distribution System (WDS) facing a simple threat vignette (use case) is used throughout the document in order to illustrate the methodology. First subchapter explains general principles on system modelling and use cases definitions. The second one focusses on the vulnerability assessment; the third one is the resilience assessment. The fourth part is the tutorial detail for the resilience assessment. A questionnaire is presented in appendices for applying the methodology. Then, the use cases are described within the framework of the first part. For BWB there are three case studies: 1. Cut off of two waterworks by a regional power cut; 2. Contamination (non-pathogen bacteria) in south east of Berlin; 3. Cyber attack at control systems (stuxnet). For EMS also three case studies: 1. Main production unit stopped by major flood event; 2. Water quality degradation by intentional network contamination; 3. IT attack Oberhausbergen power plant stopped, event masked by false data (replicated data set). And for VEDIF four case studies: 1. Fire Hydrants operation in "Street Pooling" situation; 2. Terrorist attack on network in the situation of a major International Event (COP 21); 3. Centennial Flood; 4. Above Centennial Flood - Establishment of the major crisis emergency plan.