Copper mobilization affected by weather conditions in a stormwater detention system receiving runoff waters from vineyard soils ( Champagne, France )
Copper, a priority substance on the EU-Water Framework Directive list, is widely used to protect grapevines against fungus diseases. Many vineyards being located on steep slopes, large amounts of Cu could be discharged in downstream systems by runoff water. The efficiency of stormwater detention basins to retain copper in a vineyard catchment was estimated. Suspended solids, dissolved (Cudiss) and total Cu (Cutot) concentrations were monitored in runoff water, upstream, into and downstream from a detention pond. Mean Cutot concentrations in entering water was 53.6 μg/L whereas it never exceeded 2.4 μg/L in seepage. Cutot concentrations in basin water (>100 μg/L in 24% of the samples) exceeded LC50 values for several aquatic animals. Copper was principally sequestered by reduced compounds in the basin sediments (2/3 of Cutot). Metal sequestration was reversible since sediment resuspension resulted in Cu remobilization. Wind velocity controlled resuspension, explained 70% of Cudiss variability and could help predicting Cu mobilization. Copper in stormwater basin is efficiently retained but can be released during windy events or after dredging.