Genes, gene flow and adaptation of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera
1 Diabrotica virgifera virgifera has emerged as a major pest of cultivated maize, due to a combination of its high capacity to inflict economic damage, adaptability to pest management techniques and invasiveness. 2 This review presents a survey of the current state of knowledge about the genetics of D. v. virgifera. In addition, the tools and resources currently available to Diabrotica geneticists are identified, as are areas where knowledge is lacking and research should be prioritized. 3 A substantial amount of information has been published concerning the molecular phylogenetic relationships of D. v. virgifera to other chrysomelids. 4 There is a growing literature focused on the population genetics and evolution of the species. Several adaptations to anthropogenic selection pressure have been studied, with resistance to synthetic insecticides providing some particularly well-characterized examples. 5 A notable deficiency is a lack of studies directed toward the formal genetics of D. v. virgifera