Multi-population QTL detection for flowering time, stem elongation and quality traits in Medicago truncatula
Medicago truncatula, as a model species, is useful to study the genetic control of flowering time, stem elongation and quality (protein content and digestibility) in legume crops. these traits were measured in four mapping populations originating from five parental lines Single and multi-population quantitative trait locus (QTL) detections were carried out. A large variation was observed within populations and transgressive segregations were noted. on average, genotypes with long primary branches and a high branch elongation rate showed early flowering date and a long main stem and had lower digestibility and protein content. NinetyQTLs for morphogenesis and 27 QTl for quality we identified and localized over all eight chromosomes. all QLs for quality traits were located in genomics regions of genes responsible for their variation. using genomic resources publicly available, a list of candidate genes that could control vaiation for aerial morphogenesis and quality was established.