Vigour control of the olive tree in a high density planting system: two experimental approaches
In France, high density planting of olive orchards is progressively increasing. With this new training system tree vigour needs to be controlled. Both research and experimental organizations aim to help growers optimize the use of this system, by improving the management of existing orchards (better tree management, optimiza-tion of pruning, reduction of inputs) and searching for low vigour plant material adapted to high-density training system (identification of low vigour genotypes, use of dwarfing rootstocks). This work relies on a network of growers who are involved in the definition of experimental protocols and in orchard measurements. A first trial began in 2004 at Ctifl to study tree management in palmette in comparison to central axis. Three cultivars (‘Picholine du Languedoc’, ‘Aglandau’ and ‘Arbequina’) were planted in hedgerows, on the basis of 30 trees per cultivar and management system. First results show a non-significant difference in vigour between palmette and axis, but shape obtained in palmette is more suited to mechanical harvesting. A second trial conducted by AFIDOL-CTO began in 2005 on the adaptability to high-density training systems of new French genotypes. Eight genotypes, noticed for their low vigour, were planted in hedgerow on the basis of 20 trees per genotype. Five genotypes were also planted in four other locations in 2009 to evaluate the genotype × environment interaction. The first results obtained in the orchard planted in 2005 show that two genotypes are less vigorous than the others. These results are discussed in comparison with those obtained in other coun-tries where similar trials have been carried out and in terms of technical solutions they can offer to French growers.