The dynamics of genetic diversity in partially clonal populations
Most clonal Eukaryote species develop sexual events cyclically or concomitantly over time and space, and are therefore partially clonal. The relative importance of clonality versus sexuality is thus a key feature of their reproductive system, expected to impact their evolution. Understanding the specificities of partial clonality on the dynamics of genetic diversity would enable rationalization of many biological applications and population managements. It would also allow identifying the discernible signal of partial clonality on genomes, enabling inferences of clonal rates from genotypings and identifying gene-specific history. We developed a Wright-Fisher-like population genetics model that explicitly accounts for partial clonality. Analysing its exact mathematical form as Markov chain and its Îto-like approximation for large populations as stochastic differential equations allowed predicting the specific impacts of partial clonality from low rates on genetic diversity, computing the times to reach stationary distributions (i.e., equilibrium) and delimit domains where partial clonality contributes driving genetic diversity. Our results show that partial clonality impacts genetic diversity and its dynamics from low rates, and should be considered as specific reproductive system, with deep consequences for population evolution and ecology. We identified the discernible signals that can be exploited for inferring rates of clonality using low-cost population genotypings, democratizing the systematic search for some clonal reproductions in populations and species. We will discuss those results in the light of the increasing number of acquired datasets on species long and newly known to be partially clonal.