Aldo, a simple tool providing default estimates of carbon sequestration in soils, vegetation and wood products for territorial climate policies
Carbon sequestration in soils, vegetation and wood products has to be considered in territorial climate policies since 2016, as the French Government's Climate Plan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Here we present a diagnostic tool ( providing default estimates of the carbon sequestration at the local French administrative level (Public Establishment for Intercommunal Co-operation). This tool aims to increase awareness and to stimulate action among the local policymakers. We supply for each area carbon stocks as well as carbon fluxes linked to land-use change, forest growth and wood-products storage. Data come from Corine Land Cover (CLC) maps for land use and land use changes, from the French soil inventory (GIS Sol, for soil C stocks, from the French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN) for forest biomass and from the national GhGs inventory methodology (CITEPA, 2018) for wood products. We also give national reference values of sequestration for several agricultural practices (Chenu et al. 2014; Pellerin et al. 2017). The tool may be used to estimate carbon sequestration during the recent past or to explore future scenarii implementing several mitigation options. Local expertise, and other tools, such as Climagri® for the agricultural sector (Colomb et al. 2013; Eglin et al. 2016), can then be mobilized to design and assess action plans.