Phenotyping: Case study of legumes plants
The activities of the GEAPSI group, belonging to the large research unit Agroecology, is devoted to the genetic improvement of legumes important for European agriculture, and focuses on the cultivated species pea (Pisum sativum) and the field bean (Vicia faba). These studies are supported by basic research on a model legume, Medicago truncatula, used for taking advantage of the extensive genomics information available. Some examples will first illustrate how the combination of analytical, non-destructive phenotypical measurements and modelling can improve our understanding of plant functioning, taking as case studies legumes plants. The presentation will then describe the facilities of the High Throughput Plant Phenotyping Platform (PPHD) available in INRA Dijon. This infrastructure allows phenotypic characterization of small biological units (such as petri dishes with microorganisms, seeds, plantlets) and large biological units (such as plants in pots or rhizotrons). Phenotyping is based on image analysis (visible light, near infrared and fluorescence) which allows characterizing non-destructively and automatically i) a large variety of plant species besides legume plants, ii) and specifically designed high throughput rhizotrons and iii) seeds or microorganisms, plantlets. The PPHD constitutes a major infrastructure resource for identifying determinants of plant adaptation to biotic or abiotic constraints.