Software Year : 2024

Viability algorithm to assess the robustness and adaptability of mixed herds


The aim of this viability algorithm is to assess the adaptability and robustness of mixed ruminant herds in a stochastic context. The model associated with this algorithm was applied to grass-based mixed herds of dairy cattle and suckler sheep. Two levels of hazards were studied: meteorological (3 seasons, 2 conditions per season - dry and wet) and economic (selling price of milk, beef and sheep, 3 conditions for each - low, medium and high), giving a total of 216 different hazards. The model was calibrated using data acquired as part of the PAPILLE system experiment (INRAE-ASTER) between 2016 and 2023. .

Dates and versions

hal-04731209 , version 1 (10-12-2024)



  • HAL Id : hal-04731209 , version 1


Thomas Puech. Viability algorithm to assess the robustness and adaptability of mixed herds. 2024. ⟨hal-04731209⟩
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