The effects of opening up highland meadow environments in the Northern French Alps on the breeding habitats of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
L'efficacité des opérations d'ouverture de milieux d'alpage (aulnaies et rhodoraies) favorables à la reproduction du tétras-lyre (Tetrao tetrix) dans les Alpes du Nord
Since 1989, several operations to limit the closure of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) habitat by shrubs have been completed. This study is a qualitative evaluation of the extent to which this effort attained the objective without waste of the means mobilized. Using data on the vegetation structure and species richness of 43 worked sites that were studied for several years, we tried to provide answers to the three main preoccupations of managers: 1) What effect do operations have on the target species rubigenous rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum) and green alder (Alnus viridis)? 2) What are the effects on plant species favorable to black grouse, in consideration of the 25-to-50-cm-high vegetation cover, the species richness, and the abundance of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)? 3) What type of management is the best for each type of closure? By crossing the results, we can establish a guide for managers.