How to evaluate changes in farms contributions to landscape multifunctionality ? A methodology based on a spatial and agronomic point of view - INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2005

How to evaluate changes in farms contributions to landscape multifunctionality ? A methodology based on a spatial and agronomic point of view

Comment évaluer les changements de contribution des exploitations agricoles à la multifonctionalité des territoires ? Une méthode basée sur une approche spatiale et agronomique


For European managers, one current question is the evaluation of farms contribution to multifunctionality, and policy impact on dynamics of these contributions. One of the difficulties for this evaluation is the multiple links and variability of functions and practices. In this context, we try to elaborate and to test an analysis framework of the spatio-temporal diversity of land-uses and its simultaneous impact on environmental and productive functions achievements, using a small territory in French Auvergne region for a preliminary test of methodology. We organized the work in four main methodological steps : 1) identification of the spatial entities to consider for analysis functions, 2) characterization of these entities from different points of view (uses, practices, physical characteristics) 3) description of their temporal changes, 4) linkage between these changes and the farms and agricultural context dynamics. Based on these framework, after farms survey concerning an area of 350 ha, the work show that the linkage between on one hand land-uses and practices changes and on the other hand regulation, differs a lot between farms types in terms of area concerned, type and effects of changes. At the European scale of decision, these important local differences incentive to increase the consideration of the different farms types and locations, and to put them in regard of the environmental expectation and sensitivity, for political definition and a good efficiency of politics according to the multifunctional objectives.
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Dates et versions

hal-02586641 , version 1 (15-05-2020)



Hélène Rapey, Sylvie Lardon, Etienne Josien, G. Serviere, Cecile C. Fiorelli. How to evaluate changes in farms contributions to landscape multifunctionality ? A methodology based on a spatial and agronomic point of view. Communication orale et proceedings de l`International Workshop « European Union Expansion : Land Use Change and Environmental Effects in Rural Areas », Luxembourg, 5-7 septembre 2005., 2005, pp.2. ⟨hal-02586641⟩
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