Contribution of remote sensing for the spatial analysis of land use in river corridors to model relationship between land use pressures and ecological status of rivers
Apport de la télédétection pour l'analyse spatiale de l'occupation du sol dans les corridors rivulaires afin de modéliser les relations entre les pressions d'occupation du sol et l'état écologique des cours d'eau
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims at implementing strategies to restore the good ecological status of water bodies. The restoration of the river corridors is often seen as a key action to improve ecological status, but the actual buffering capacity of riparian zones needs to be properly evaluated. Implementation of Pressure/Impact model over Languedoc-Roussillon (part of the Mediterranean hydro-ecoregion) reveals the limitations of CORINE Land Cover (CLC) database for the analysis at river corridors scale. Contribution of very high spatial resolution remote-sensing tools for the spatial analysis in river corridors is demonstrated in comparing spatial indicators from CLC database to land use object oriented classification.