Life cycle thinking and sustainable food production
Mode de pensée cycle de vie et production alimentaire durable
LCA is the evaluation of all environmental impacts of a function (product or service) on natural capital, human health and resource use. However, current sustainability definitions are considerably broader in both environmental and social aspects than is commonly treated in LCA. The egg of sustainability model which places ontological priority on the environment, then social systems, then economics, is perhaps the most appropriate to effectively address sustainability issues. However, in real-world examples, due to short-term reactions to economic and social pressures, environmental components are frequently given the lowest priority. If properly researched and developed, LCA could be an effective tool to identify practical ways to address sustainability issues in real-world food production. In particular, development of regionally specific indicators which have quantifiable levels of uncertainty, approximate reality and incorporate social and economic aspects would be important future progressions to enhance the contribution of LCA to sustainable food production.